Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's Playoff Time!

The 2008 Edition of the Elmwood Elkhorns is the hottest team in Softball, and they can play too! So far, the team has seen success by winning the League tournament and finishing first in their division. “All that is left for us now is to finish it off, to win the playoff’s” said Summer. “ Nothing else matters now, it’s a new season.”

Finishing first allows the Herd home team rights through the entire playoff weekend. “We’ll be taking first bats on Friday and Saturday, then last bats on Sunday” indicated the Summer GM. “It’s a winning strategy for a winning team."

It certainly was not a cake walk as Four Seasons came out to dethrone the Herd. They had it tied after regulation time ended, and then magic happened.

“Before I went up to bat, Hugh called me over, grabbed my arm and put it in my hand.” said Summer. It was beautiful, long and hard. “I knew you wanted to play with it” Hugh cooed to me. It was a little dusty, but as I rubbed my full palm along its length, it took on a luster almost seeming to energize, displaying a powerful presence. Hugh’s eyes lit up when I told him “I have never seen anything quite like it.” Hugh boasted “Earlier Rob was comparing mine to his and commented that it was something he wished he had.” “Most women find it intimidating at first and seem to prefer a smaller one like Rob’s, until they realize they can handle it” said a female player who asked to be kept anonymous.

Summer took the bat, and did what is expected out of the Big Bambino. A solo home run that triggered the team to score 9 runs to seal the victory.

“The women on the team batted lights out today, very solid hitting” indicated the Elkhorn GM.

Controversy on the diamond once again as the Umpire tried to call Summer on charging in on the bunt. “Thank goodness Summer understands the rules” said Preston. “ He told him once it leaves the pitchers hands he can move in, the Umpire had no clue”. “Then he got back at us with that cheap call he made on Dave saying he crossed the line before it left Casuals hand” said Rick. “There’s no way he could even see that from where he was!”

The Horns hit the diamond a few weekends from now looking to finish the job they started. They know when you’re at the top, everyone’s gunning for you. It’s nothing an Elkhorn hasn’t seen before during hunting season. They will be ready.

Playoff Weekend Friday Aug 10 – Sunday Aug 12 at Buhler Park!


Anonymous said...

Having the most home runs this year ,I do believe its how you use it and not the size that matters.

Anonymous said...

Casual, I am not sure you have the most home runs. My guess is you are 3rd in the derby.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the Grand Slam on Wednesday. I tried to throw some bad pitches to the guy (walk him), but my arm is so grooved, it just couldn't give a bad pitch!

Anonymous said...

"It is too bad that we have so many 'Home Run leaders' on the team this year and not enough ball players who know how to place the ball!...It takes a guy with confidence and a big bat to place the ball at will and get the base hit" (when needed) is what I heard Hugh Glove say when asked by this reporter, why the blog had lowered itself to such trivial matters just prior to their playoff run.
Mr. August went on to discuss such important matters as his magnificent hitting while injured (Doctor's confirmed that Hugh ripped his abdominal wall and now faces a Grade 2 strain
Tearing of muscle and tendon fibers, at the attchement point of the muscle to the tendon creating a noticible loss of strength)...but regardless of this potential career threatening injury, Hugh says he will be at practice tonight and will allow the entire Horn team and alumni to hold and revere his Hughnesses bat, just like ol' Summer did in the season finale!

What a team player that hugh is.

Ed Tait
Wpg Free Press