Sunday, June 3, 2007

My dream came true, finally an Elkhorn!

What can we say. Not only are the Elkhorns supportive of the community, they are supportive of local athletes with a dream. Today, the dream was realized by the commish.

Not only did he play, but he played shortstop, pitcher and rover!

The Elkhorns are a team with history, and today, they honored a true "Elmwoodian" by initiating him as the first honourary Elkhorn in franchise history. Negotiations are ongoing regarding his full time playing status. Things are looking favourable.

After losing a close second game, the Elks decided to move to the outdoor lounge for a few libations to lick their wounds.

We had great hosts that provided a great atmosphere and great "eats" that all enjoyed. The company was not bad either!

Stories were told of Elmwoodites of old, and what we still need to finish before the season ends.

On an awkward note, we need to let you know that Pete now has a nickname of "toaster". That is because he pops up more than a toaster!

Carol played stellar, Bob enjoyed success until his thighs gave out (age), and Dan brought out the whole frikken family and the scouting reports are that there may be signings happenning shortly. They played great.

Rick was 3 for 3, and new acquisition Cal turned a double that made us think his last name was "Ripken". Thanks as well to Lori and Caitlyn for helping out, (they played well).

Noteable absences were Ron, Mark and Maura. Church stuff for all of them. Barb and Kris were working however we could have used their medical skills with all the injuries.

Rob struck out for the first time this year...sorry Rob, I need to tell the whole story. But he did hit a home run that is really starting to be tiresome when he comes up to bat.

Vanessa pulled a thigh, Bob pulled two thighs, and the rest of the Elks pulled something else.

The Elks cross horns on Monday at 7:45 pm on Munroe. Get your tickets early, and even though you purchase the entire seat, you will only need the tips!


Anonymous said...

Where I failed on the ball field I made up for (drinking) at Rick's house.

I'm hurting a bit today

Anonymous said...

You did not FAIL Saint, you were entertaining and played well.

Elkhorn GM said...

Next up are the Transcona Classics, I don't ever recall an Elmwood team losing to Transcona. Let's hope we can keep the streak alive!

Summer GM said...

Good game played by all today. Barb, Craig, Maura, Dan and Rick caught some dandy pop flys. Female pop fly catching award to Barb, male pop fly catching award to Rick.

Bloopers awards,, nah, we know who they are!

Next up, Wednesday 6:20 pm, East Elmwood East diamond! Behind Kent road School, far end of the field.

Elkhorn GM said...

Good game by all, especially when you consider we had an automatic out in the mix & it wasn't me. Must have been the bat!
By the way. Very nice picture Ron!

Anonymous said...

The East Elmwood curse continues......all games rained out again, makeups July 6th- 8th

Elkhorn GM said...

It must be the Area, EAST ELMWOOD! Not quite Elmwood. It was dry at Chalmers.

Anonymous said...

It's the suburbs of elmwoodland.

Anonymous said...


Enuff bullshit about what is tru Elmwood.

Truth of the matter is:

Name anyone who made it past junior level in any sport that came out of River Elm.

OK, now, name anyone that made it past junior level that came out of Sir Sam Steele?

I think we know now where the water made better athletes....

We can throw in George V for good measure...if we like,,,, and compare Kent Road....

Enuff of this true Elmwood vs East Elmwood....

Totally for LOSERS!

I suggest that the next loser tha brings it up, is "a total loser!"

Anonymous said...

A fakken' amen!

Elkhorn GM said...

We need players for this weekend! Ron included. The Summer GM is concerned that you are involved in some kind of weekend cult.

If you need help, the Elkhorns can & will help! Make no mistake, the summer GM (possibly your twin) is on board.

Whatever cult you are in that ties you up every weekend we are not sure; but we can de-program you.

Anonymous said...

Well if I had to pick a guy to "go" with a broken leg....I'd have to look at a River Elm man.

Two things. Of all the schools in Elmwood, the only one that has Elm in it is River Elm. (and that includes David Thompson High School, in my era anyway....)

Come on you losers, "East" Elmwood, What the fuck is that? I'll tell you what: it means east of Elmwood.

I gotta go....Bill Juzda is on the line, he wants to tell me about the Ring on his finger (again!)

Anonymous said...

Ol' Bobby Baun is none other than Ronny D after a few wobbly pops..

He probably thinks he is an athlete too!

The Perils of alchohol!

Live on on!

Elkhorn GM said...

"The only one that has Elm in it is River Elm".
An obvious fool who has no idea about "Elmwood".
That Fool has no idea that there is/was a school called Glenelm; sure we all kicked their ass in reality but they were/are a part of Elmwood.
Still I have to say, a point well taken. Even the Summer Gm realizes how Elmwood got it's name. RIVER ELM.

Anonymous said...

Really? There is really a school in Elmwood district called "Glenelm"?

Anonymous said...

Someone truly does not know nor understand Elmwood if they have ask about Glen Elm.....

Please view Transcona sights from now on...(the hi neigbor festival is more up your alley)

Anonymous said...

The Horns are 2-1 in the weekend tourney. Actually , they were beaten by Napolean Dynamite (pitching)...not good, clearly the Elks are more of an afternoon team! Morning games are really full of fuzzy headed decisions and bad timing.

They are still looking good,,,,and of course doing well in the tourney. Afterall, they are "the best looking men from Elmwood".

They lock horns tomorrow at Little Mountain Sportsplex at 10 am,,,be there and cheer on the Herd!

Elkhorn GM said...

Glenelm School: A Brief History

Prior to 1929, children from the West Elmwood area attended Lord Selkirk School , east of Kelvin Road (later renamed Henderson Highway ). A doctor in the community, Dr. William Glendenning Hamilton, was instrumental in convincing the authorities that it was unsafe for young children to cross Henderson four times each day. It was decided to build an elementary school on vacant land on Carmen Avenue although only an acre was available, far less than the usual area for school grounds.
The building was opened in 1929 as Glenwood School although the original building plans show the proposed school as Elmwood School . In 1949 the name was changed to Glenelm, apparently to avoid confusion with Glenwood School in St. Vital.
A metal painted sign displayed the name change.

Elkhorn GM said...

The Elks sucked Saturday morning but showed their moxy in the afternoon. Hopefully they can convince themselves that it is not a morning game on Sunday. Morning games should be about drinking fuzzy navels, not playing Baseball.

In other news, Ron Derksen's Baseball team the "Pink Coolers" are 3 & 0 in this weekend's Pride tournament; good luck Ron!

Anonymous said...

Interesting,,,,we finally heard about west elmwood....puts another spin on things.....