Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blood is thicker than water; Summer fallow ends

Well, let's just say the Herd is struggling a wee bit this year. Many softball pundits are leering towards Casual Observer with pointed fingers and how he has virtually destroyed the team "Summer Built". "Hey we are above .500, that's not bad" remarked Casual.

Casual's casual style is not only reflecting a casual winning percentage, it is also starting to see players question some of the moves. "He put Murray (Casual Observer's brother) on third when clearly the better choice was Summer" mentioned a disappointed Sharon. Murray let a hard hit ball go by him as he "casually" announced "I couldn't see it!" which summer noted that he saw it enough to move out of the way. Certainly not the golden glove performance ala His Hughness. Pictured are the hats worn by both Casual and Murray.

Summer filled in adequately at 3rd last game he played (see previous article). Anyway, the Herd put together a much needed victory off of Summers bat as he went 5 for 5 with 7 ribees in a 20-13 victory. "I saw the stats and the Horns were sitting at .500, we have never been that low at this point in a season...I told Casual I would come out and help the squad". And help he did! Summer also took on a big hit towards him and snagged it (much like the one that Murray deeked) . "He was their big bat, shut him down and the game is ours" indicated Summer.

Other notables for their play today were Sharon with a solid game on the mound, Mike may have found himself a spot as a paying player next year, and needed some help today with 2 or three dropped balls and only making it to first base once in the evening. Certainly not Presto the Magnificent as he has been coined.

"We expect more out of Preston" noted Casual. "Today I think his biorhythm was off."

The team was Built to Win, and the losing slide had to be stopped. It came to a screeching halt on Wednesday night. Great job Herd. The Herd is looking forward to seeing Tannis get back into game shape (really bad leg) and Hugh and Tiny returning from their vacation. It would be nice to see Gobbler back in form at the bat as well. The Elkhorn GM was missed by his lack of leadership in the bar apres the game.

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