Thursday, May 29, 2008


The Elkhorns cashed in on the Wednesday Night Jackpot! A 29-5 drubbing over The Bingos left Tony Robbins understanding why he needs to re-think his philosophy on motivation.

“He just does not understand that this team needs more than a warm touchy feeling speech! They are grown men and woman for gawd sakes” criticized the Summer GM.

The game started off with Casual Observer getting a “talking to” from our umpire friend. “He just started chirping at me about my placement in the batters box, I knew it was going to be an interesting night right then” murmured Ron.

“Then he started lighting into me about being too close to 3rd base as a coach, and the play was no where near! I am sorry, but I don’t take entry level umpires talking condescendingly to me lightly! This is a beer ball league, he needs to chill a bit and stop antagonizing players. I think he gets a charge out of being the guy in control, we just have to deal with it I guess” said the Summer GM. “You mess with the bull, ya get the Horn; the Elkhorn that is. “What goes around comes around”.

Congratulations to Rick for entering the Elkhorn Homer club, a club that now boasts 5 men and 1 woman!

Stars of the game were Rob and Kelly.

Now for the game performance reports. The Summer GM had an uncharacteristic “off night” at second base. “I was in the wrong place a few times, thank goodness my errors did not cause any runs, I would not have slept well if that were the case”.

Ron found him self in an awkward moment as he “casually observed” his pop fly being dropped, then decided to run to first base only to be thrown out easily.
The Summer GM used this night for player development as well. Preston found himself at Shortstop for a bit and looked good. Pete found himself at second base for an inning and had a few issues with the 2 balls hit his way “I totally respect Craig and Vanessa now that I have actually played 2nd, it is tougher than it looks, and they make it look easy!” marveled the Elkhorn GM.

The bats were flying with Craig, Maura, and Peggy all batting 1.000 for the night.

Barb “wowed” the fans with her stand up triple, and Kelly showed bunting prowess in her last at bat.

Vanessa showed bionic woman like speed while batting .667 for the night.

And Hugh, after a 29-5 slaughter, well, let’s just say the media was heard saying "Hugh who?"


Anonymous said...

rick homered! - i understand he also scored four goals in one game a few years ago for spongee - amazing multisport athlete - i have a lot of respect for him

Anonymous said...

Hi - I played left field and right field and third base for the Bingo's on Monday - your pitcher is hot - I think he hit .750 - why did that big fat guy play 2nd? - he caused 2 errors in the 4th inning...

Anonymous said...

Rick homered is great. He is usually Homoed!

Bunny, if you are one of the players from the Bingos, I can certainly state that you know nothing about the game thus not worthy of comment on the fielding prowess of one of Elmwood's finest athletes. Were you the one that chased his ball to the fence while he rounded the bases? If so, work on that ass gal, it was jiggling like gelatin!

Regarding the pitcher being hot, back off bitch, I saw him first!

Summer GM said...


I am sure Bunny was talking about you regarding your play at second. Hey, you tried man, and we appreciate it.

Elkhorn GM said...

Sorry Summer GM but Bunny was talking about you on second base, I played second in the fifth inning only.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it could be the Sumemr GM or the Elkhorn GM.

The Elkhorn GM actually missed the only 2 plays that came his way. Not a good inning for Elmwood's 374th best athlete!

The Summer GM made a few good plays and actually had the balls to admit he missed a few.

Thanks for being candid Summer GM!

Anonymous said...

I meant the pitcher from a few games ago, the one with hair. You guys gross me out when you say stuff like that!

And the 2nd basemen, I like men with a bit of meat instead of scrawny boys. Both were decent, and justhad a bad day.

Hugh Glove said...

Here we go againwhile traveling the western division and attending batting camps to help improve his game, yet again his Hughness is ATTACKED by the Summer GM on what "used to be" the world's best BLOG. All I can say is that I am ashamed of the Summer GM, there was a time when I looked up to this man, hell, I even tattooed his mantra "Results, Not Excuses" on my ass!

But don't worry Hugh fans, I'll be back in action this weekend at the league tournament, and I'm bringing my axe (to grind) with me!

Like my old buddy Rowdy Roddy Piper says when he's had enough. I'm coming to Kick some ass and chew some bubble gum...and I'm all out of bubble gum!

Your truly, Hugh

Summer GM said...


Firstly thank you for reading the Blog right through until the shows you are truly an Elkhorn.

I am truly thankful for your admiration of the Summer GM (and you are not alone), however, your comments around being disappointed are not in line with most blog readers.

Please understand that the comments on the Blog are from many sources and you appear to be "shooting the messenger". Your friend Ed Tait actually muttered "Hugh who?" I trust you will take it up with Edward.

Again though, you are not alone in your admiration. You are alone in your questionable admonishment of Elmwoods 46th best athlete!

The team looks forward to the exciting return of Elmwood's 38th best athlete!

Welcome Back Hugh!

Hugh Glove said...

Dear Summer GM,

Thanks for the reply, it shows that my initial thoughts and admiration for your expertise as the Summer GM of the winningest Elkhorn team in history, was bang on!

I did have the chance to speak with Edward and after a quite discussion, he has agreed that he was premature (as usual) with his commentary at the game and further suggested that he simply "got caught up" in the teams performance. I accepted his apology immediately and if you would like to verify this with Edward, you can reach him at the Health Sciences Centre on Bannatyne, he's in room 13 for the next week...

What was interesting was the Edward also told me that upon checking his records at the Free Press, that your accuracy as to the athletics ratings of the Elkhorns personnel was bang on too...he further checked his archive records that indicated some startling news as follows.

Elmwood Athletes Overall Multi-Sport Rankings
Archives, Winnipeg Free Press)
1) Glen Holmes
2) Mark Champagne
3) Wayne LeBlanc
4) Wesley Tweedy
5) Andrew Chung
6) Al Kutzy
97) Harold Dzoba
98) John Sango
99) Craig Sheard

The full top 100 listing is available at if you are interested in seeing how you compared. I'm sorry, but they haven't quite compiled their coaching and general manager statistics yet and Ed said that by the time they do this, most of the folks that hit their top 100 have already passed away.

In closing, his "Hughness" simply wants to say that he will work much harder this year to tryt to crack the listing of the top 10 Beer League athletes of Elmwood.

Your sincerely, Hugh

Anonymous said...

Hugh, we missed you this past week. We tried to make due with the "other" boys of elmwood, but they just didn't take care of our needs like you always do. We just need to see you play the game and our needs are satisfied!

We love you Hugh...

Your gal pals from the Fuzzy Tacos

Hugh Glove said...

Dear Fuzzy Tacos,

Thanks for the has been a long and arduous travel season for me, but in the long run I think it will benefit the team, the league, and of course all you gals on the Tacos. Even those of you who aren't exactly "fuzzy" any more.

I'll be back in action (in the beer garden) at this weekends league tournament. Be sure to be there and cheer on the team. They deserve it just as much as I do, even with all of their "short"comings!

All the best gals.

Yours Truly, Hugh

Anonymous said...


You know I love you, but you read the Elmwood Athletes Overall Multi-Sport Rankings
Archives, (Winnipeg Free Press), UPSIDE DOWN!

YOU are number 98 ! Remember I told you about the fold that makes it look like Glen is number 1? I guess it slipped your mind in your drunken stupor.

Do not be disappointed, it is still an impressive list! I would give my left nut to be #98 on the list!