Saturday, July 28, 2007

We've Lost him........Another one bites the dust!

The magnet a' la chix is soon to be taken.

Soon, very soon, the man that many said is too much man for any woman will wed in an undisclosed place at an undisclosed time. Rumours are that it will be in the next few weeks.

The Elkhorn GM (AKA Pete) has been tight lipped about the ceremony only saying "it will be small, not a big deal, then I am taking a few weeks to recover."

Look for paparazzi helicopters in East Kildonan or Caddy Lake as a sign that the "deed" is being done.

Disgruntled about the lack of invites, fellow players are looking to crash the wedding once the word is out regarding the event. "That is what triggered the film" griped Casual Observer.

"We started shooting once we heard about it, all we need now is a few live shots at the wedding and we probably will be able to wrap up filming" said director Michael Moore. "It was great to have a guest appearance from Nick Nolte to star as Pete, this will definitely be THE box office smash this summer!" touted Moore.

On a related note, the Elmwood Herald leaked photos of a few of Pete's friends from "ALIVE" that apparently have received invites (Below right, pictured from the dock at Caddy).

"Hey, he can invite whoever he wants, I noticed he hasn't been hangin' with us much lately, I guess he has some new pals that he's into" declared the Summer GM. "Looking at them, I hope he is not literally into them".

All aside, good wishes to the happy couple Cathy and Pete, good luck on your day and future together from your friends.


Elkhorn GM said...

All I can say is; you got me.

Elkhorn GM said...

I think our focus now should be to get Casual a "chick". You know, The Guy in the Hot Corner. Kelly obviously has no feelings for Casual & I think he is heart-broken. So let's put an all-out effort for Casual; the blow-up doll has sprung a leak & he needs help.

Anonymous said...

Casual Observer could sign up for Love Connection. I have seen his kind score the odd time.

It's worth a shot for the guy.

Hugh Glove said...

it's true...the summer GM "schooled" Mr. Glove and he did it with style! The Summer GM demonstrated his Oresults not excuses" motto and modeled for the team and especially Hugh Glove. Full kudo's to the summer GM and I'm grateful that I could suupoet the Summe GM's hitting scholl by backing him up in the fiels with my golden glpve experience.

The bottom line: Hugh glove 2 cotrolled hits, Summer GM 3 .

Great job Summer GM.

Anonymous said...

The Herd will have to do some scoreboard watching Wednesday to see if the Steam Rollers can knock off Ump Yours to give the Elkhorns the Regular Season Division Title in their inaugural season.

The Summer GM should be proud as he put together a contender that may be the first Expansion team (since the Birmingham Bulls) to capture a Division title!

Hugh Glove said...

BTW...A huge thanks to Summer GM and Mrs. Summer GM for hosting the post game show at their beautiful home and park like surroundings. Hugh Glove for one was extremely pleased with the political element to the evening and made several deposits in the Premier's suggestion box next door!

A great time was had by all and I was especially entertained by Casual Observer's extremely strong will turning down the Summer GM's continued offers of "coolers".

From what understand, noone walked home, got locked out of the house, or was chased by the police for driving aimlessly in Gateway parking we can consider the night a complete success!

Thanks again Summer & Mrs. GM!

Summer GM said...

We have had a great year...filled with fun, anguish, and excitement!

Now for the "finish". Jackets for the winning team in our division.

When we meet "Ump Yours" we will ensure a victory. It will be assured via the guidance of the Summer GM and Causal Observer. We had a meeting today.

We will NOT be bunted to death as b4!

But first games first,, one game at a time, victory will be sweet!

Enjoy your time of, once playoffs come. IT'S GAME ON!

Summer GM said...
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Summer GM said...

I still don't understand "why", all the Corona's went like crazy! Who the fak drank them? I still had beer on the ready.....

either way... thanks to Hugh Glove A'LA Corona for the night.

Casual, I think we still have a cooler or two left over, I can bring them to the next game.

Mind you, ya did bring some Canadian which got drank after you left. Thanks for your support.

All teasing aside, we enjoyed having you all and hope you enjoyed the evening!

Anonymous said...

Well, history was not made tonight as Ump Yours won 19-13 to capture the division title.

The good news is the Herd beat them every time they played them so a good playoff run and possibly the Kildonan Cup may be in the Herd's future!