Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Leadership, the glory and the tough calls!

This weeks feature is about leadership. The Elkhorn Summer GM has taken leadership to a new level and is touring North East Winnipeg touting his new book "Built To Win".

"It's about leadership" says Sheard. "Knowing where to put your players on any given day. Knowing when they need some direction out there." Sheard vows that the thrill of it all comes when he sees a consistent under performer finally peak under his guidance. "Take Ron for example, he was an accident waiting to happen. I took him to the next level by showing him the fundamentals of the game and now he plays tactically out there. Clearly one of our most consistent players as of late".

Sheard indicates "It's all about RESULTS! Not Excuses" a mantra he has brought into the locker room and the team has responded with victories over and over!

"I can't say enough about the way the team has come together" in the last month" says Sheard.

Looking forward Sheard is expecting the Elkhorns to make a run for the crown and knows that it will not be an easy road. "We still have some problem players out there and I have had to be firm with a few of them, sitting them out, and letting them know who is boss!" says an authoritative Sheard. "Once they challenge you and win, you have lost all your management ability. That can never happen under solid management direction."

With an 11-5 record this year, it appears that Sheard not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.

The Herd is always looking for new players, players that can contribute on and off the field. "Troy Westwood called me the other night and wanted to play. He basically wanted to buy a uniform and play the rest of the year for free, ...not happening under my direction. It's about consistency as a leader, and your team looks to you for that!" smirked a jesting Sheard. "Listen, he may have some free time on his hands, but we can't take on premadonnas, it will spoil the mix."

On the injury front the Elkhorns are in fantastic shape with only a few minor injuries. "Vanessa has bad quads, but I gave Rick a program for her and he has been working with her off the field." Again, leadership is not only about providing guidance, it is also about delegating. On a positive note, Rick also mentioned that the program cured his ED!

Remember, sports is all about Results, not excuses! The Elkhorn Franchise is a proud one and clearly one that needs to be applauded for the results they consistently attain.

-Reuters// Associated Press// Elmwood Herald


Anonymous said...

Where can I get the book?

Elkhorn GM said...

Mr Furley (RF for short) had no idea where the strike zone was!
All I kept hearing was; Janet this, Helen that, what the fuck? Is Crissy not good enough?

Anonymous said...

counter offer; $20.00

Summer GM said...


See cover story regarding Mr Westwood...not happening snowflake!

Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear from the book cover that Summer GM is a bit of a futurist or psychic of some sort. From the picture I would say tha the book must have been written about 20 years ago, unless of course the author has suffered the same fate as others as of late and made up the youthful image just to sell books.

As an almost 40 year member of the publishing community, may I say that I am sick to the stomach about this and wish that the Summer GM would remove this cover and show his true self.

After all we know that his new look in '07 will sell a lot more books than way back when! You just have to ask his hot wife Barb why, after all of these years, she still loves the guy.

Good luck with the new book Summer GM, it looks like a good read, but I can't bring myself to buy it until I get an official statement regarding the front cover image!

Your truly, Hugh Hefner
ps...i have never allowed the use of an air brush on any of my photo's either.

Anonymous said...

The last two blogs had pics of the summer of his ass and now this?

Time for a pic of someone else....not that his pics are bad,, it's just that we all want a piece of the publicity!

Anonymous said...

Is it me or is this Stegall stuff gone too far?

Most touchdowns in the CFL? What does that really mean? Let me tell you what it really means.

The CFL is the 4th best league on the planet just ahead of NFL Europe.

1. NFL
2. NCAA Div 1
3. AFL
4. CFL

Average salary in the NFL is over a million.
No salary (Just spliffs) in the NCAA but these guys are the best up and comers that the CFL will never see (they go the the NFL and AFL first)
The average salary in the AFL is 80K US.
The average salary in the CFL is 55K (CDN)

If you were a decent player where would you play? You would go where the $$ was!

Furthermore, once the CFL starts running like a business it will be far superior. Let's face it, with a requirement for 18 Canadian born players it is more like a family that a business.

Clearly, with the national discrimination, they are not getting the best talent to play the game (which actually has good rules and playing field).

Think about it, next time someone tells you how great the CFL is and how BIG the records are...

I will soon be able to watch NCAA and NFL....(just finished with AFL).

And as far as the CFL, sorry, I can't comment, it makes me shudder.

Anonymous said...

love the blog - love the gab thingy - this is a high class organization

Anonymous said...

It has made me think about what was said, Yes, Mr Stegall has a chance at a record, even tough it is in a low level of football. Let's enjoy his successes even at that level.

Anonymous said...

Fred said.........

I'm too sexy for my shirt!

Anonymous said...

Milt Stegall is in my top 5 Bombers of all time. In fact he may be second behind Brock. I also like Minnie Mack Herron (spelling?) and Ty Jones. Would have to include the safety Bennett somewhere in top ten....

I always liked Rick House and Willard Reaves and never really dug Joe Poplawksi. Have to say I also liked Tom Clements even though he is always a Tabby to me....

Honourable mention: James West and
Don Jonas....even though he did jack.

I think what Pundit is trying to say is that Canadian Born Footballers are generally shit. I would have to agree. Stick to hockey and punting.

Now, what was that you were saying Bill? Oh yeah that is a great ring on your finger. Gotta go, Bill Juzda wants to tell me about that ring on his finger...

Anonymous said...

Agreed Mr Baun. In addition to the Canadian players being lesser skilled, the CFL also attracts the leftovers of other leagues. Overall, the CFL needs to change the minimum requirements for Canadian players and figure out a way to attract the higher skilled US born players. It's simple, it's entertainment, and entertainment is business!

A few notes about Mr Brock:

I like the real men don't eat quiche quote.

I like his playing ability.

I don't like him slamming Winnipeg and complaining about the zoo.

Any man (that calls himself a man), that changes his name from Ralph to Dieter is dropping down a few notches on the man scale.

Anonymous said...

I guess Bobby Baun never heard of me.

I thought I was one of the greatest Bombers ever.

And please do not ever forget the best contributor to the Bombers that never played, Cactus Jack Wells.

And it turned out nice again with the happy honker awards!

Enough now about the Blue and Gold, I am going to watch the NFL Network for a bit.

Anonymous said...

My 1980 flag football team I coached won the Elmwood Intramural Championship, scoring the winning touchdown with the "Statue of Liberty" play!

Anonymous said...

A few observations:

Mr. Piddo: that sounds like an interesting story if you'd like to elaborate, i.e. players, etc.

My comments on the team being run like a Banana Republic dictatorship: ZZZZippp!

Most disturbing scene last nite: seeing Glove and Summer GM rub quarters and silver dollars (respectively) together.....zuck.

Anonymous said...

Kenneth "Ken" Ploen (born June 3, 1935) was a star quarterback in American college football and for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the Canadian Football League (CFL)

In 1956, Ploen became the University of Iowa Hawkeyes starting quarterback. That year, he led his team to its first Big Ten Conference title in 35 years and winning the 1957 Rose Bowl Game. He was named Big Ten player of the year and College Football All-America Team, plus voted the Rose Bowl's Most Valuable Player.

Brought to Winnipeg, Manitoba by Blue Bombers head coach Bud Grant, from 1957-1967 he led his team to six Grey Cup appearances, including four victories. In the 1961 Grey Cup game he scored one of the most memorable touchdowns in professional football history, eluding numerous defenders on an eighteen yard run into the endzone during overtime to win the game. He was voted Grey Cup Most Valuable Player that year, was selected as a divisional All-Star three times, and also filled in at halfback and safety.

Anonymous said...

Hugh Turnbull

Nick Name:

Position(s) Played: Tackle

Birthday: 18-May-1938

Career: Retired

Home Town: Winnipeg, MB

Grey Cup Wins:

Career Accomplishments:

Best Moment in Career: Bud Grant
advising me I had made the team!

Favorite locker room story: Ernie Pitts underwear & long stocking dances!

Toughest Opponent Player: Emil Moska

Favorite CFL player: Ken Ploen - a great athlete & gentleman

Favorite Coach: Bud Grant

Where is Hugh now? Hugh & his wife Patricia currently live in Winnipeg. They have 2 daughters: Beth Bell and Allyson Bell.

Currently protecting Patricia from unruly members at Elmhurst Golf and Country Club.