Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Great teams win tough games (almost).

The Elkhorns thought they squeaked out an 8-7 victory last night in front of 11 fans with an unlikely hero finishing the Transcona Classics in extra innings

Their lumber was as bad as it gets with the notable absence of Summer GM’s strength at the plate. They started out fast and jumped to a 6-0 lead, and then the bats went cold with the Classics retiring 13 of the next 14 batters to tie the game.

After sitting out the game with an injury, the Summer GM was about to take matters into his own hands with the apparent winning run on second by inserting himself into the batting line up. He was over ruled by the Elkhorn GM (pictured) who stepped up to the plate and launched the ball over second base to drive in the winning run.

“Great players don’t shy away from the ball, they want it and they want it in critical situations” murmured Hugh Glove.

Dan took home the team player award by offering to sit the latter part of the game. Mind you, Pete did offer to sit (not thinking his time may come to be a real life Kirk Gibson), however the Summer GM could not swing the substitution. Some call it destiny, others call it dumb luck. In any case, the Elkhorn GM demonstrated ability never captured before. “I felt good after the Red Bull kicked in” said Pete exhaling a DuMaurier. “There was no way I was gonna deny the team this victory, I’ve made too many errors this year. I needed to redeem myself.”

Word from the commissioner after the game was that there should not have been extra innings and the game (and the heroics) will go down as a 7-7 tie. That means, Pete’s performance NEVER happened and could eradicate his game star selection as well. “That’s Bull Fuck, it happens every goddam time to me!” screamed the Elkhorn GM! “I am putting up the funds to protest this one! Jesus Christ!!!!”

“I feel bad for the guy” chirped Ron (Casual Observer), “he really tries hard out there and we all thought the monkey was off his back.”

Game stars were Pete (under review) and Vanessa.

Rumblings about management making more changes were substantiated by Summer GM in après game discussions.

“Rick is playing well at pitcher. My only hesitation is to use him in critical situations” said the Summer GM reflecting on his rookie hurler. “I’ll get Dan working with him, Rick needs to be ready for the playoffs”.

The locker room banter is that management is moving players around and some players do not like where they are playing. “Listen, it’s my job to get the most out of the team, I don’t move people just because. There are reasons, some of which are good performance, poor performance, or belligerence. Look at our record, I think it speaks for itself” fumed the Summer GM. “Those guys are not there to think, that’s my job!”

The Herd will erase this dismal outing by taking out their frustrations on someone else (that is how it’s done in the hood). The unlucky victims are Stuck on Third next Monday at Art McQuat Park (Maginot) @ 7:45 pm


Anonymous said...

Those Elkhorns, they just can't buy a break.

Top management, good skills on the field, wonderful drinking abilities.

Egos seem to be everywhere (just look at Hugh Glove's Blog) and are affecting play on the field.

Once the Summer GM controls the heads of some of his key players, this team is unstoppable.

And it turned out nice again!

Anonymous said...

I think pete looks great in a hawaiian shirt!

Elkhorn GM said...

I will have to have another sit-down with the "Comish" AGAIN to put the "W" in the books as deserved. The Elkhorn GM has had suspensions lifted before; I'm sure I can get this over-turned.

How did the Summer GM get my graduation picture?
Thanks for the prop Kelly.

Anonymous said...

The first time Elkhorn GM aka Son of Schott, aka Nick Nolte first resembled the down and out Nick was BEFORE a grade 10 school dance after chasing a 4-pack of Lonesome Charlie with a warm bottle of Gimli Goose.

Needless to say he had brought some star power to that dance, where he hung around the music man all night demanding to hear "Mistreated" (live version).

Hugh Glove said...

YOu know Coctus Jack...it's downright shitty journalis such as yours that has always brought down the game. You meely mouthed wannabe's that have never played the game...and yes I mean PLAY not "ride the bench" that have steamed me up all my illustrious career! Arguing, sqabbling, and sometimes fighting...that's what realy men do, otherwise you're just another pussy. Take for example, the casual observer...look at what his "zip it" attitude has done for him...there's a chic playing firs base now and I have to cover his ass on third. And beleive me, my view was a hell of a lot better when MY BIGGEST FAN was playing third!

I think my negotiation skills have worked pretty well so far...so much so that the Summer GM whispered in my ear at our post game celebrations that perhaps we should call a truce! What do you think I told him? Let's just say we have a little more negotiating to do!!!

And yes, it turned out nice again!

Anonymous said...

Hugh you are so right...I wish my agent had the balls you had!

Anonymous said...

Hugh, could you negotiate for me?

And who is this Ron guy calling me all the time? He says he is trying to work it and wants to meet me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Summer GM I checked at the Talbot Pharmacy this afternoon and they were our of stock of your Betamax tape. Can I order one online as I beleive you have a new genuine, sincere approach to getting results!

Summer GM said...

Mr Trump,

I am flattered that you of all people are sitting back and taking the "apprentice" role from me.

That being said, my distribution channel manager was into the whiskey when he said Woolco, Gambles, and Talbot Pharmacy.

I am in the process of negotiating a 1/2 hour paid program on the Learning Channel. Stay tuned, and please feel free to pick up the tape at other locations or on EBAY...mind you EBAY will cost you about 80 bux.

Thanks for you r support and recognition!

Anonymous said...

Hey all,

Yes, it is the Casual Observer, or Mr. Casual to my strong fan base.

A couple of observations:

It appears the real reason that Glove is a little miffed isn't because of my backside, (which I have been told is "not bad"), it is because he isn't getting as much "action" as before. Now if I can just increase my vertical....

The best base runners on the team?

My vote goes to Rob, Rick, and possibly Glove. Am I missing anybody?

Worst base runners?

Best First Baseman? Glove's 1# admirer! We are looking good heading into the playoffs (in more ways than one).

Elkhorn GM said...

Hey Summer GM I also checked at the Talbot Pharmacy this afternoon and they were out of stock of your Betamax tape, but they did have the recorded version on 8-track (only 5 left) so I picked one up & just finished listening to it. I had to go to one of the car wreckers in town & found a 1977 Lincoln Continental that had a 8-track still in it (had to bring my own battery); sat back with my pack of DuMauriers & 26 of Appletons and had a listen. Let me tell you, it was well worth all the trouble! I especially liked the chapter on - negotiating with your star players. It's amazing how you can sign a "Franchise Player" using so little of the budget, but once you watch, read or listen to it; you will realize there is a lot of "swallowing" involved if you know what I mean.

Summer GM said...

Elkhorn GM,

I am the apprentice, you are the master!

One of my favorite lessons you taught me old wise one was how to get the star players to swallow.

If I remember correctly, you said, "once you get them to swallow their pride, you'll find them wanting to swallow yours!

Never a truer statement from a fine gentleman!

Anonymous said...

I want...I really really want,,, the Hugh Glove baseball card!

I will pay almost anything. Who actually has it?

Fellatio is not out of the question!

That, and money! I need the card!


Anonymous said...

I think Hugh Glove looks like an ex-pitcher I know.

Which means that the REAL Hugh Glove is Dennis Eckersley!

Just like Robyn Masters is Higgins!

It was a good case,with a few twists, finally we have the answer!

Mystery solved!

Anonymous said...

We have reviewed the game film and revoked Pete's Game Star status for the game in Question and awarded it to a very deserving Rick Haley

Elkhorn GM said...

All I have to say tonight is: why did I have to finish my last drink with Wes & Sherry?? I told two members of the team I had one more round coming & they still left! Remember I am the Elkhorn GM; just because it is summertime does not mean the magic doesn't work.

On other news, the Summer GM has a bet with Hugh Glove; who can place a hit. One beer per round. Hopefully Craig and/or Barb has a little extra cash on hand as I say Hugh gets at least 6 freebees.

Anonymous said...