Monday, July 9, 2007

Eventually, every one loses........

Some said it to be not possible. Some said highly unlikely. On Sunday night against Stuck on Third, Mark lost his first game as a Summer Elkhorn. "I am just not used to this this what you guys feel every time you lose?" said a visibly upset Mark C.

Unable to cope, Mark turned to the bottle on Sunday night. Naturally he brought along a few friends to help him get through this ordeal.

"Without those guys I am not sure what would have happened last night! I cannot say enough about how Beauj, Pete, Ron and Rob got me though this. And Maura was superb, as you can see, she really is there for me "for better or for worse" mumbled a modest Mark.

Clearly Elmwood's 44th greatest athlete of all time was off his game on Monday night as well, however he pressed on to ensure he did not feel that uncomfortable feeling again. The Elkhorns rallied the bats behind young "phenom" Stefanie to win 22-20 in a "semi mercy" game against Pitching Tents.

Rob and Stefanie were players of the game on Sunday night, and Ron and Stefanie partnered up to boast the players of the game on Monday night.

Controversy and errors seemed to be the order of the day for both games. On Sunday night the herd ran into a very unruly umpire that ran a tight game but his people skills were lacking at best. Errors galore pretty much summed up the loss on Sunday.

Errors were abundant on Monday night as well, however clearly minimized by the Elkhorns first challenge as an organization. Pitching Tents openly questioned Stefanie's playing status. They questioned the ump about whether a young girl should be playing. The umpire clearly stated there are no age limitations. Thank goodness for the thoroughness of the Elkhorn management in ensuring it was cleared through the commish.

Stefanie had the last laugh as she caught a pop fly, and hit the ball into the outfield to shut up the nay sayers.

Speaking of pitching tents, a few of the Elkhorn women noticed that Ron was pitching his own tent after watching Tamara (blue shirt on the opposing team) run the bases.

Things worth noting:

On Sunday night the Elks started off with 3 consecutive homers from Ron, Craig, and Maura. Rob was close in trying to make it 4, but missed by a step.

Ron laid out two more homers on Monday night. It appears that a 3 hour moonlight walk does the body good!

The shakeup is happening in the organization with Pete moving to first base and Craig moving around like a nomad. Clearly it is tough to find spots for the big men. Ron has moved into the pitching position as he has seen more moves than a Sidney Crosby highlight reel!

The horns roster got a little lighter with the loss of two players for the remainder of the season. Carol and Bob announced their retirement. Scouts are out and looking for our spares to step up right through playoffs. There might even be a championship ring in it for them!

The Elks go at it again on Wednesday night against Steamrollers at Gateway CC.

Remember, your either playing for the Elkhorns or watching them!


Summer GM said...

My apologies on the article was butchered beyond repair by a previous member.

Elkhorn GM said...

Congrats on a great streak Mark, hopefully you are on your way to starting another one; this time without looking at the schedule & sitting out the semi-tough games.

By the way, I think the picture looks perfect!

Elkhorn GM said...

Top five Bombers in no particular order:
Greg Battle, Dieter Brock, Chris Walby, Ken Ploen & Milt Stegall
Honourable mention: Bob Cameron & Leo Lewis.

Anonymous said...

nice work on the blog again mister summer gm

Anonymous said...

Kelly would have probably made a diference on Sunday night. Just sayin...

HUGH said...

It is quite clear that this player will be taking a good long look at his contract when it comes up at the end of the season. At least 3 teams have approached Hugh Glove after games only to have Hugh deny their attempts at luring him from the Horn. But, after very-very almost circus like play by the infield in the last to horn games, Hugh is certainly checking out his options.

It's time for the Summer GM to make some hard decisions on the roster to make sure we get the best out of the team! Just look what happened when he put his foot down with Ron D!

Speaking of Ron D, WTF is going on with the walks? This is a beer guzzlin HITTING league Ron, walks are for baseball players not beer leaguers! Any of you baseball players out there have anything to say then correct me, otherwise, go play with your balls.

Enough said about the past, let's move to the future! The boys are thinking we need some more Kelly, kelly, kelly....

Summer GM said...

A few comments...

If Hugh Glove feels the need to move, this organization will see what they can do to get the best deal for him. Something like a half dozen new Grey dots seems to be the going rate.

As far as ron pitching...I think he has done a job out there...tonight could be Ricks shot again...

Rick will be leading off the batting line up tonight...and we will see a few little shake up moves...please know it is for the best of the team and do like Ron and!....


also, we do need to understand what we are going to do for players....we have only 11 full timers on the the spares on the roster need to step up (subject to management approval of course!)

Summer GM said...

Tonight I am not going to set up a new article....

The Elkhorn Report has all the details of tonights game.

I will say, the bats were ringing tonight on all fronts!

Anonymous said...

Here is a question(s):

Where was Rick?
Where was Mark?
Where was Maura?
Where was Vanessa?

Or was it just too far to drive the 10 minutes? Focus and commitment just might be the theme for the next Blog report.

Hugh Glove said...

Dear Smitty's Management,

Please accept my formal apology for not patronizing your fine establishment. It was without malice that I missed this particular night due to unforseen circumstances beyond my control. These circumstances were of a personal nature, so I am sure that you will understand why I do not wish to discuss them in writing. Rest assured that I will be more than willing to share this information with you at our next meeting in your very-fine establishment.

It is with great pleasure that I thank you for your continued sponsorship with the Elmwood Elkhors Baseball Franchise as we appreciate your support as we feel we really understand how to "give back" to the community!

Sincerely your patron,

Hugh Glove

Hugh Glove said...

ps...thanks for last night honey!


Anonymous said...

Hugh Glove,,,

Is that a freudian slip when you use the term Elkhors?

Hugh Glove said...

Everyone knows that Freud was a closet pervert who actually had to pay both men and women to have sex with his butt-ugly

Oh and I've just fired my complete editorial staff!

Anonymous said...

Bad spellers of the world untie

Hugh Glove said...

That's right, I had to do it, the Summer GM "made me do it" and I apologize ahead of time. Just click on

Elkhorn GM said...

I love that new "Hugh Glove" blog.
It may soon rival the Elkhorn Softball blog.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Jay for mayor?

Check this link out...

Join facebook and join this petition!

Anonymous said...

This blog will self destruct in 2 minutes..

Summer GM said...

I though I would place a link to Hugh Glove's site....hopefully it will save me some admin time on this blog.

Love to new blog...

Anonymous said...

The ump (Mr Furley) screwed up and extra innings should not have been played Monday, so it goes in the books as a 7-7 tie