Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Would ya Rather.........?

Would you rather go to Roger Waters or play baseball for the Elkhorns?

Would you rather go on a boat ride or play ball for the Herd?

Both Pete and Rick answered those questions by their absence on Wednesday night.

Pete, there is a karaoke version for you to sing along with,,, enjoy!!!!!!! We thought your on field choices were odd, now we are seeing it is a life thing!

Rick, sorry, we have yet to figure out how to throw you an oar via the web. You do get some benefit of the doubt as yours was work related. We are also sure you would rather be putting the antlers on.

Bob, your not off the hook, a boating course? Pahleez!!

This pic is for the gals, (thanks to Barb for graciously taking it on short notice...the Summer GM does look a tad tight doesn't he?). Apparantly the Elkhorns ladies are looking for the men to kick it up a notch on the Blog,,,be vewy vewy careful what you ask for......

Once again it was all about results. Tonight, "Ump Yours" felt the girth of the horn with a 22-2 trouncing.

For the first time this season, the outfield went error free. The new outfield marshalled by Mark, Barb, Craig and Kris demonstrated how effective fielding can help a squad. Previous outfields have been ill effective at best.

The infield made stellar plays all night. Come to think of it, tonight there were no weaknesses.

Speaking of effective, with 5 men and 5 women tonight, placement of all players was key. Management placed the players in spots where all players would contribute to victory (and all did!). Some contributed by not being there.

Great pitching today Dan! Players of the Game were Ron and Vanessa.

Thanks to M&M for hosting an apres victory gathering. Good eats, good company, and the orgy after the kids went to bed was most satisfying! Love the video on the big screen!

Next week the Elkhorns move into the July schedule on a roll, and are gearing up for the playoffs.


Anonymous said...

I am sure I saw Pete showing me his tits and asking me back to his place...... sorry Nolte, I like 'em younger than you! Hope you enjoyed the concert though....

Elkhorn GM said...

Would you rather go to Roger Waters or play baseball for the Elkhorns?
It's obvious; as much as the team needs me, I knew somehow Ron would actually show up & sigle handedly win the game.
Concert Review:
The best was when I heard Shine On You Crazy Diamond; according to all reports Mr. Waters was not going to play it. Then I heard "Wish You Were Here" & I almost Cried, Came & Died. Believe it or not; I only had 9 Drinks at the show.
Before the show - Had 3 Drinks
Song 3 - Got a DRINK!
Song 7 - Got a DRINK!
After the show - had 4 DRINKS!
GOOD show; stand corrected. GREAT SHOW!!!!!!
Way to go Elks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ron was the only male Elkhorn with his back to the other team during player of the game selections. His number was the only one showing.

He has tried that stunt before to get player of the game;this time it worked.

Anonymous said...

Rick stole my blow up doll!

Anonymous said...

Settle down Bud. Rick needed a date for the night! You'll get her back with only a few around her mouth and one around her ass.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick arghhhh can I have a go at that doll when you are done drool argggg.

I was in the bleachers watching your team and I think that the girls would look good in hot shorts (drool) arghhh expesially that big girl in center field drool drool arghhh

Anonymous said...

The scoreshhet next to Rick's names has more (e)x's than I have

Anonymous said...

The Summer GM has taken a small but significant step out of the shadow of the Elkhorn GM on Wednesday evening at Gateway CC.

The Summer GM turned in a remarkable performance having a well thought out game plan. From the batting order to player positioning he was organized and made the prudent calls.

This performance was a far cry from the last time he ventured into the dugout sans Elkhorn GM. Who could forget the first outing of the year, when chaos and disorder ruled the day for the Baseball Elkhorns.

That perfomance left this pundit wondering if he could manage his way out of a paper bag.

It is still too early to serve up any more kudo's. Remember, you are only as good as your last performance....

Short Stops:

Dan may be the best pitcher in the league.

Carol got robbed on her third at bat. Very solid contact, the short stop was so startled he actually had his eyes closed when he caught the ball. Keep swinging like that Carol and the RBI's will come.

A well hit ball OVER THE CENTER FIELDERS HEAD should be a stand up home run, not a close call at third.

Summer GM said...

It is nice to see some focus back in the team.

The changes that were made are the first of a "string" of moves to come.

Results, not excuses.

These Bad News Bears are starting to look more and more like the Durham Bulls.

Those of you continually looking for a salary increase, I ask that you keep the negotiations away from diamond. All deals are struck in the off sesaon in this organization.

Deals are based on Results, not excuses.

Anonymous said...

I hear the blog song this week is featured on Karaoke night at Smitty's. Both Friday and Saturday.

Pete, how is your practice going?

We can get a few of the team and we can be the kids that sing "we don't need no education!" And you can't do the lead vocals.

Just tell us which night!

Anonymous said...

So the ladies wanna kick it up a notch?

Do any of them want to show me how far to kick it up? I have no limits.

If your into handicapped rich guys with a slurr, I am your guy. I took a bullet for PORN!

Have any of you posed on Beaver Hunt?

Anonymous said...

Larry Flynt! You are my arghhh hero! Slurp drool pant pant. Yes drool a beaver hunt! pant pant drool arghhhh

Anonymous said...

ELMWOOD ELKHORNS (MEN) ARE ON STERIODS. Side effects include shrunken testicles, breast development, and baldness.

All the men on this team exhibit these side effects and should (must) be tested (except Rick of course!)

This would never be allowed in my day and I am outraged. (The picture of the thonged-backside would also never be acceptable in my day!!!)

Anonymous said...

I have checked the Elkhorns men and have found that some of them have traces of Stanazol, Methandienone and higher than normal testosterone levels.

Craig showed higher than normal levels of Testosterone, whilst Mark, Ron, and Rob showed traces of Stanazol. Rick tested positive for unusual levels of Methandienone.

Pete showed side effects of Cirrhosis.

Bob and Dan displayed signs of pussywhiptises.

All in all, it is not the Men on the team that need to be questioned...have you seen the women hit the ball?

Anonymous said...
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Summer GM said...

The BLOG activity (or lack of) lets me know that the players are enjoying a much needed rest after working hard to date.

I suspect the Westhawk area had a few wildlife sightings.

Hope all is rested and is looking forward to play on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing that Rusty Staub is saying Rick does not need to be tested for Steroid use due to his lack of muscle growth.

I concur with Mr Staub on this diagnosis.

Others need to be checked via prostate depth insertions to scrape anal linings in order to fully determine use of banned substances.

Anonymous said...

I personally have checked the Elkhorns men and have found that some of them have traces of Stanazol, Methandienone and higher than normal testosterone levels.

Craig showed higher than normal levels of Estrogen, whilst Mark, Ron, and Rob high levels of Progesterone. Rick tested positive for unusual levels of Methandienone & Glucocorticoids.

Peter showed high levels of Testosterone & showed side effects Cirrhosis.

Bob and Dan displayed signs of pussywhiptises.

If you need to check out what these terms mean & their side effects go to:

Obviously Dr. of All Things Good has no idea what he is talking about; I'm not so sure that it wasn't Dr. Phil talking.

I will be "testing" the Elkhorn Women individually starting Tuesday evening & will post the results at a later date.

Anonymous said...

Arggghhhh! I agree with 2nd medical opinion-the boys need to be tested via slurp drool smack anal lining scraping! The girls drool pant arghhh too! I will assist dirty dick pant slurp drool pound arghhhh!

Anonymous said...


Dick pound is Gay and wants to have men for himself thus fabricating high testosterone levels in some individuals.

Merv the perv, please feel free to go for the dirty pant drip slurp immediately after we have our annual weekend long marathon without water event! The girls are running a 10Km event and there are no showers!

Anonymous said...

Richard....I told you not to talk like that!

No more of dad's magazines for you young man!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on hitting 500 hits in 6 weeks. If you wanted to earn real $$ you would have earned $2.67!!

Once you hit 500,000 hits in a month you can earn $15,000 in a month! (Assuming proper marketing).

Good luck with your campaign!

Anonymous said...

How many gay Elkhorns have donned a jersey this year?

How many gay Elkhorns have ever donned a jersey?

How many started out gay and went straight after hanging out with the Elkhorns?

Hint: The answer is NOT zero!

Good luck and thanks for playing Elkhorn trivia! Results coming soon!

Anonymous said...

If I am walking with Elkhorn GM and Summer GM, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.

Hugh Glove said...

Has anyone seen my weiner?

Have you seen my weiner?

Hugh Glove said...

Sorry my fellow team mates, but I will not be able to participate in the usual after game festivities this evening as I have a prior engagement! Our daughter leaves for South Korea at 7am tomorrow morning, so we are planning a family evening of you know, crying etc...

I'm sure that both Elkhorn GM's will do their part to support our sponsor's at Smitty's. If Brent is there please share my "excuse" with him as I want him to know that I support his fine establishment!

See you all at the game tonight!

HUGH said...

Hugh Glove, I can't beleive that you've chosen family over the Horn.

I'm not sure what the GM thinks about this, but you need much more dedication if you are going to improve upon your Golden Glove status and batting percentage lead!

I can understand that it must be a tough decision to make, but we all expect much more out of you in terms of leadership and modelling!

It is days like this that allow a guy like Ron to receive a player of the game and the summer GM to actually hit a home run only to turn it into a triple. Hell, Rob would have scored two homeruns running on that hit!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

Was it just me, or did the umpire tonight look like Mr Furley from Three's Company?