Monday, May 25, 2009

Hugh's presence felt! and missed....

Hugh Glove not only has a huge one....but people step aside and watch as he readies himself. Much like at Buhler on Thursday night. He rolled in, looked things over...saw that it was "almost" under control....mentionned a small "twinge" in his tummy from escargot and wine....and remarked...."things seem under control...I will just sit back and infuence those that pass by my Hughness!"

And influence he did!

The pic shows "His Hugness's" team getting his equipment ready for play. No easy task but they all want to be just like Hugh. Who doesn't?

Hey...what do they say about a man with a Huge Glove? He has a Huge bag!!

While unfortunate that Hugh and his lovely parter Tiny cannot make it this weekend....the Herd will still strive for victory with very capable players and management.

  • No Summer..
  • No Elkhorn GM (WTF...a birthday party? AGAIN!!!) We are trying for Friday night man!
  • No Hugh
  • No Tiny
  • No Tannis
  • A little bit of Ball Gobbler
  • Alot of Casual
  • Alot of Peggy...she is good to go..yippie!
  • Presto showing his magic
  • Kelly...she does it all
  • Nadine...solid play all around
  • Nicola...we need you!
  • Sharon....she wil be there....always is.
  • Les....can play (but not on Saturday)
  • Rob...Hello,,where are you? How was cooking class? We are counting on you this weekend.
  • Rich..get yer buns out....we need you this weekend!

From what we can tell...depending on schedule....The Herd could be close to having enuff players...and make no mistake...the players they will have will be players.....

Look for victories 4 and 5 this weekend.....there just might be a Stampede with the Herd running over the competition!

Go Horns!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Finally Summer has arrived!

It was not without a lot of hard work, sleepless nights, and a little bit of luck, Summer turned up on Thursday night. "I needed to get away and prepare for the season" piped Summer. Rumour has it, the leader of the ball squad was working on the 2009 Elkhorns success strategy while spending a few weeks in disguise in Tahiti. "I thought for sure no one would find me there...boy was I wrong.
Pictured are the Summer GM in disguise on a Tahitian beach just outside his bungalow. Also pictured is the Polynesian lovely that found him! Tiari (above right) was quoted as saying "Once Spring hits, I immediately start thinking of Summer. Summer seems to come later and later every year, but this year, I could not wait.

With Summer back , there was definitely a different swagger on Thursday night. With the team down 3 runs early, all eyes were on the Summer GM to make something happen. " I realized that Ball Gobbler (Dave) missed spring training and 3rd base is a little tough for a sophmore under pressure. I moved Casual (Ron) in and things settled down nicely". Not only did things settle down, they erupted with Ball Gobbler gobbling his way to a golden glove performance in centre field!

"Most guys would have pulled a struggling player, but not Summer, he has a knack of getting the best out of his players, that is why I respect him so much!" boasted Hugh (Mark).

The potential TSN turning point was when Les attempted to go for home on an over throw. " I looked right at Casual, he just shrugged his shoulders casually, so I ran for it." Les noted his disbelief at what transspired. " I have played ball for alot of years, never have I seen such "casualness". I guess the laid back approach is causing some "casualties".

Summer and Casual spent some quality time in the bar afterwards. "Every time I sit down with that man, he sheds so much light on things" indicated Casual. "I am lucky to be in this situation with him, not many get this type of opportunity.

Casuals' opportunities will not end with mere bar banter. He has been enrolled in "Summer" School. The curriculum is based on "Built to Win". Pictured is last years graduate Denise DaFleur who is now the General Manager for the Brainard Pussy Cats. " At first I was having trouble, then Summer suggested we need to go with all nighters to speed up the process! I am no longer satisfied with just getting to 3rd base! Thank you Summer for everything!"

"Once he is done Summer School, that guy is gonna be big, real big!" (Summer was talking about Casual, the Associate Summer GM, AKA Summer ASS)

Let's all wish Casual similar experiences that Denise has enjoyed!

The Players of the Game as indicated by "The Commish" were Sharon for pitching prowess and Summer for ripping one so loud in the on deck circle that the back catcher actually heard it! "Hey, I had chili for lunch, give me a break!" protested Summer.

The Herd's next game is Thursday night at Buhler when they take on Double Ryes and RBI's at 6:20 pm.

Rush seating available at the gate only!! No pre-purchase for this event!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where's Summer?

And he was not talking about the yearly event that starts every June 21st!  Hugh was asking about the whereabouts of the Summer GM.

"We need him back, today was very different.  Not that Ron did a bad job, not at all, it was just different!" remarked Hugh.  "I actually went over to the side, smacked myself in the face a few times, yelled at myself, and that got me going!".  "It was just too casual out there.  Clearly he never read Built to Win authored by Summer."

"Look at me, I have aged because of this, tattoo sagged, the whole bit!" screamed a disgusted Hugh.

It also appeard that Casual lost his starting pitching job to Sharon.  "I think The Summer GM did this year like he has in the past years, he just keeps finding raw talent to fill gaps" said Casual.  This year I am moving off the mound more than in the past" murmured Casual.  "Not sure why, I have a Unique style that did well in the past!"

"He did a great job with Tannis and Les as well; I don't know where the hell he finds them, but it is beautiful" envied the Elkhorn GM.  "He is big on Nadine as well, so we should be good to go!". 

The Herd started out the 2009 season with 2 victories at Buhler Park.  The Herd managed the victories without Summer (Big Bambino), Dave (Ball Gobbler), Nicole and Nadine.  Players of the game were Maura and Casual.  Guess it was slim pickens.......

Stay tuned for more game information as the schedule gets established.

Summer GM, where are you" cried Tiny Glove...."I guess I will just settle in and read a best seller Built to Win".  "I miss you"